Sunday, September 30, 2012

We witnessed

I had an incredible evening being down town witnessing to people.

  It was unfortunate to hear young people reject the bible thinking it was not real and that it was being rewritten and changed continuously.   They were surprised when told the bible does not change and Gods law and word are still the same in the past, present and future.  

 We witnessed to a young girl who had not ate all day and needed a shelter for the night.  We prayed with her on the street and gave her hope. 

 We witnessed to a number of guys where 2 or 3 were not interested but one was.   The ones that are interested has questions and were seeking.  It was incredible to be gods voice at that time. 

 The other amazing thing about the night was that when you go to serve God many times you get served 3 fold.  

 We had a gentlemen preach back to us making sure we had a clear bible based message and were not leading people astray.  

 We did run into Christians throughout the night which was neat as well.  

 It was a good experience and I feel God gave me more then I provided.   We planted lots of seed I pray now they grow.


Steve L        

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