Friday, September 28, 2012

new order of tracts

It is 3:30pm Friday the 28th of September.

I was downstairs checking my email and I heard the  door bell. I knew who it was as I was expecting tracts today.

I ran upstairs and the driver was heading back to the truck. I walked out the door and said I am going to give you what is in the box. He says what?

I go on and tell him what is in the box and hand him a million dollar bill. You should know I always have tracts on me. I tell him what it says and  that we could die today. He says yes we should think about that from time to time. I tell him that we need to repent and trust Jesus as our savior.

I explain to  him that we are headed downtown to night to tell people this same message.

As he is entering into the UPS truck Kevin wishes me luck tonight. I reply with thank you and pick up my package off the steps.

Make every encounter a witness.


Jeremiah 20:9
If I say, “I will not mention him,
    or speak any more in his name,”
there is in my heart as it were a burning fire
    shut up in my bones,
and I am weary with holding it in,
    and I cannot.

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