Saturday, September 15, 2012

Get over there!

“People talk about our being earnest and fanatical—about our being on fire. Would to God the church were on fire! This world would soon shake to its foundation. May God wake up a slumbering church! What we want you to do is not to shout ‘amen’ and clap your hands. The deepest and quietest waters very often run swiftest. We want you to go right to work; there will be a chance for you to shout by and by. Go and speak to your neighbor and tell him of Christ and heaven. You need not go far before you will find someone passing down to the darkness of eternal death. Haste to his rescue!” D. L. Moody 

You all know How I love preaching Christ. We were at a park in Ramsey this afternoon with some friends. Some boys came and I watched as I knew they were up to no good. As my wife came over to see what was up. I told her what I just mentioned.

She says "get over there and talk to them". I get right up and go to the swing set. I begin by handing them a tract. I then continue about there state as the stand without Christ as there savior. With love and compassion. They were very concerned about the state they are in.

 I share the gospel with them and continue to talk with these 3 boys. As I am talking with them 8 or 9 other kids come over to listen and all are concerned about eternity. I talked with kids for about an hour. I repeat the message I just gave the boys.

I tell them they need to ask Jesus to forgive them of there sins and trust in Jesus. I then explain what that means and they understand.

 I give them all extra tracts for them to give there friends. They asked for them and I tell them you must give them away not throw them away. They all said they will with no hesitation.

 I tell them they need to read there bibles everyday and do what is says. 

I begin to walk back to our friends house to eat dinner. I thanked Jesus for the opportunity to be His witness. The joy of the Lord was pulsating through my body. WOW! 

 “So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.” 1 John 4:16 ESV


1 comment:

  1. What an awesome opportunity, and what great faithfulness to the Gospel. Amen mike, praise Jesus
