Thursday, November 29, 2012

Am I a True Christian When Nobody’s Watching Me?

I normally get up at 5 O’clock in the morning to get ready for work; this particular morning I got up at 4 O’clock and then I did my morning devotional prayer. As I was praying, the question of “am I truly a follower of Christ if no one is watching me crossed my mind? I felt convicted right on the spot as this thought digging through inside of my head. I think this is rather an essential question that we as Christians ought to ask ourselves. Are we genuinely following Christ’s mandate in our daily lives? I know I haven’t been perfect and probably will never be able to attain a plateau of righteousness or perfection. My walk with Christ has to be practical in order to honor Him and give Him the glory that He deserves. I can’t preach the gospel sincerely if I am lacking the ability to apply what Jesus expects from me to do in my personal life.
Generally speaking, we’re all perfect Christians when we are being watched whether it’s in Church or in any other social settings for that matter. We also act so perfectly towards each other with compassion and love when we are interacting with one another in plain view. Conversely, in our private lives we are not who we ought to be at least that is how I feel and I am sure some of you probably feel the same way.
Are we still saved when we are not who we ought to be in private life as Christians? The answer is categorically NO! I say this with authority because the gospel is very clear on this issue. Read what Paul said "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, nor backstabber shall inherit the kingdom of God." Corinthians 6:9-10.
A consistent pattern of any of the above sins can rob us from the kingdom of God. I know some of you Christians may disagree with me on this issue, by saying, Jesus died on the cross while we were sinners. That may very well be, but we need to change and feel guilty and shameful when our private life is in contrary to what the bible teaches. The pastors as the leaders of the Church must preach the applicability of the gospel in our life not just focusing on what went wrong in ancient cities such as Corinth, Ephesus, Thessalonica, and Philippi. Paul’s epistles to various churches addressed the very same fundamentally moral and spiritual issues that we as Christians need to address. If we are not practical Christians or not being genuine Christians in our private lives then we have no business to call ourselves the followers of Christ.
Being a Christian is not to be a player to get engaged in some games to win the hearts and minds of the unbelievers for Christ ; being a Christian is to practice the gospel and walk with Christ daily not just on Sunday’s in Churches but every day in the rest of our days . The question is: Do you pass the litmus test of being a genuine Christian in your private life particularly, when nobody is watching you? You need to focus on this question ,and I am confident that the Holy Spirit will reveal to you what needs to be revealed.
You’re all loved.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

at the MOA

Last night was really eye opening, and we pray fruitful.

We hit the Mall of America, where people were busy getting ready to celebrate Christmas.   And they were looking for gifts - for a deal. But only one which we spoke to were looking unto the free gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ as Lord.
Mike brought the verse in Isaiah 53:5 "But he [was] wounded for our transgressions, [he was] bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace [was] upon him; and with his stripes we are healed." 
We used that with everyone whom we spoke with, asking them to read it, and then asking them if they knew of Whom it spoke.  And it was a wonderful lead-in to share the Gospel. 
We spoke to a man and asked if he could name ten things associated with Christmas.  Gifts, trees, bows, lights....not one mention of the meaning, until prompted.  The world has hijacked the birth of the Messiah, and with it they have stolen the message of the Gospel, and replaced it with social justice and with things of this world. But what our culture has done with Christmas should give each of us a season of automatic "prompts" to speak of His Word.
We had a rather "international" night.  By choice, or "target," so to speak. 
We spoke to one muslim woman, who seemed almost frightened as we shared with her, but was listening with intent and took a Bible with gratefulness - tucking it into her purse quickly. 
 We spoke to Ming and his mom, from Cambodia, who listened with great interest, and wanted the Bible that we gave him
We spoke to a Lebanese "Christian," by his own admission, who, upon greater questioning thought that all religions were similar, and that Jesus was born a man, but evolved into God.  He denied that Jesus was the only way, truth and life, and was adamantly opposed to the truth that Jesus was the I AM of the Old Testament.  He was respectful, and I pray that seeds fell on soil that the Lord had prepared, and if not, I pray that the Word of God will continue to be a thorn in his side, provoking him to question what he heard until God gets his heart.  
 We spoke to a couple who had a joy that was evident, and were convicted and firm in Jesus Christ as Lord.  The woman's parents were missionaries in Laos. 
We spoke to Cedar and her friend (14 and 16) who had never heard the Gospel, although they had heard of the cross.  They listened with intent and heard - I pray for their hearts to yield. 
And we spoke with two hindu's, who had never heard the Gospel message, and were skeptical, but took a Gospel track (one of the two).  The one, who was clearly unable to see any sin (Hindu's define sin as actions which hurt another, a clever disguise of the enemy to redefine sin and allow us to remain in delusion, thus a lie is not a sin unless it hurts another) would not even touch the Gospel track.  It was too convicting, which validated that the law had done it's job
We "ran into" two young pups that used to be discipled by Mike, and had a wonderful time speaking with them, to be followed with a meeting of Matthew - one of the original Freaks. 
 And in the Mall of that size, on the busiest shopping day of the year, it validated the Jewish saying that "coincidence is not a kosher word." 
It was a great night.  It was not the streets, but it was also not the temperature of the streets, and of the people we got to share, they were all awake, alert, and we pray receptive to the Gospel. 
I am so very thankful that we still are able to speak openly of the single greatest gift of grace that this universe has ever experienced. 
And I pray that every person in Christ will be emboldened, encouraged, and convicted to share the Gospel with a world that is perishing.
Blessings to each of you. 
The Freaks

Monday, November 19, 2012

stand on God's truth

My initial contact with the Jesus Freaks was kind of a friend of a friend of a friend connection. John, a friend of mine, got a last minute email about evangelism at the Anoka Halloween Parade from someone else, and they had a contact named Andy. I contacted Andy and said I couldn't make the parade, but wanted to know more about the Jesus Freaks. He said Mike was the one to talk to. Finally, Mike and I corresponded via email, and I expressed that I was interested in joining them as I am able. Mike was very enthusiastic.

Friday night, November 9th we headed downtown Minneapolis. Now I live up near Cambridge, MN and have contact with a lot of Swedes, Lutherans, etc. And even though I had been recently doing some evangelism at the MN National College Fair outside the Mpls Convention Center, I hadn't been downtown in a couple of years, so I felt a little rusty. But just being out with some brothers and a sister who have hearts for evangelism was so encouraging as it's hard to find other street evangelists to minister with - "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." (Mt. 9:37)

The evening was fruitful as our group had many conversations about salvation and we handed out numerous tracts to others that didn't engage in conversation. Some conversations were very peaceful, while one in particular, Jessica, was quite contentious and explosive. (Please pray for Jessica.) We also spoke with some Muslims and Dewey, a homeless man from Ohio. Besides discussing salvation with Dewey, I took the opportunity to pray with him for a job, his health and forsaking alcohol. As I prayed about his diabetes, he stopped me to ask how I knew that he had diabetes. I thought he had told me, but he said he never said a thing. Whether it was supernatural knowledge from God or not, I'm not positive, but it opened up his heart all the more. (Please pray for Dewey.)

However it looks, the ministry is certainly one of faith as we don't always see someone turn to Christ. As Paul spoke about in 1 Cor. 3:6-8, some plant, others water, but it is God who makes it grow. It is our job to speak the truth; it is God's job to save. Evangelist Bill Fay in "Share Jesus Without Fear" quotes a statistic that of those who come to faith, on average they have heard the Gospel 7.6 times. The point is, we don't know where we are in that process. Our conversation might be the first clear Gospel presentation they've ever heard, or it might be the third, or maybe the exciting 7.6! Saints, don't be discouraged by what you see with the natural eyes. The devil is a liar and would like to convince you that you are wasting your time, but we know that "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." (Js. 5:16). Pack the scripture in your heart and stand on God's truth - "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes!" (Rm. 1:16)

Friday, November 16, 2012

becoming desensitized

   The Macabre   Truth within the World System
The current world system teaches us to be happy and joyous in the face of all adversities. The children are encouraged to reach their goals whatever that may be without paying serious heed to the means through which they ultimately reach their goals. The principle of moral judgment is sliding down at full speed on the slippery slope without any boundaries or any cautions
The world system is a diabolic principle at its core and it has one intention and that is to veer us away from God and God’s precepts. The desires of mankind are burgeoning intractably for sexual deviancy  and the society as whole affirms that deviancy. The things that once were considered abnormal & deviant are becoming normal, right, and considered modern and acceptable.
We are becoming desensitized to the atrocious killing of babies under the canopy of abortion, homosexuality is becoming as a normal and accepted pattern of this culture,
Our politicians are seeking to gain popularity and fixing the societal problems at the cost of compromising the very   moral fabrics of society within which they live.  How can we free ourselves from all of this?  Is it too late for the culture to wake up and see this massive immorality that is spiraling down so fast? What do the Christian leaders do about this?  Are they too involved in the gruesome drama of this ongoing immorality?
These are some serious questions need to be answered.
 I am afraid there is none except to seek the kingdom of God with all its righteousness. The bible is very clear on this “there is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God.  All have turned away; they have together become worthless; there is no one who does well,
not even one.” Romans 3:10-12
Obviously, it’s clear that we as human beings cannot do anything to stop this moral chaos and it’s getting worse and worse.
Therefore, if we depend on ourselves to pursue a life of spiritual prosperity; we’ll again run into disappointments, abjection and all our efforts will be in vain. God has created this world and He is the Only One who can give us the guidance to veer us away from the claws of Satan and puts our culture on the righteous path. Jesus Christ came to this world to rescue us from the sin & that was God’s redeeming plans to give us an eternal life through His son Jesus Christ.
If you haven’t received Jesus as your Lord & Savior, just confess  your sin to God the Father and ask Him to grant you His grace in order for you to see Jesus as the Light of the world , as your Savior. Through Him you will see the Kingdom of God; through Him alone you will be called the Child of God. So don’t waste your life seeking the vanities of this world system; humble yourselves before God and ask for His mercy. God’s mercy and love demonstrated through Jesus Christ. Without trusting in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you’ll face God’s wrathful justice.
You all loved,

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

comfortable in their sin

Last Friday was really good.  It was a bit nippy outside, and there were not as many people on the streets, but the ones that we got to share with were receptive to the Gospel - for the most part.  We also found a "fishing spot" that I think we will go back frequently.  It was just in the lobby of Target, which is open until 10, and warm, and most of the people are sober.  I guess it is a cross between the mall, and the streets!
What never ceases to amaze me, as we share,  is the lack of knowledge of the need for repentance  before forgiveness of sin.
We have raised a generation of young kids that when asked the question, "if someone were to slaughter your whole family, for $20, and then stood before a judge and said they were sorry, and the judge let them go, would you consider that a good judge?"
And many, many will say yes.   They have heard of the forgiveness, and love of Jesus, but they do not have any sense of awe and fear of Him as a righteous, and holy, and perfect judge.  Who has to judge sin - or compromise His holiness.  The central theme of the cross.
If you ask if they were to be judged by the 10 commandment, innocent or guilty?  All will say guilty.  If you then ask if judged by the 10 commandments heaven or hell - most will say heaven.  Why?  Because they are a "good person" and God would never send anyone He loves to hell. 
Again, they miss the need for the cross, and discount that their sin cost the Father everything in His perfect and Holy Sacrifice.
A false gospel making false converts (not to judge, but to simply let their own answers speak, as they line up with the scriptures).
This generation is comfortable in their sin, while deceived into thinking they can abide in sin, and still abide in Christ. 
As we spoke, many listened, some scoffed, some questioned, and some had no interest. 
There were 2 people we met - one from Switzerland, and one from Ethiopia.  When asked of the one from Switzerland - heaven or hell - heaven.  Why? Because of Jesus Christ my Redeemer!!  He had a smile and a joy of the Lord that encouraged us, and was a gift from the Father. We gave him Bibles, and tracts to share with others - he is at the U. of M. and I know what a hostile place that is to share the Gospel.
The one from Ethiopia stated yes as well - and with joy stated that he was a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.
But there were others that were skeptical, and cynical, and apathetic, and deceived.  And it broke my heart. I got one response that stopped me in my tracks.  When I mentioned that Jesus was perfectly righteous, perfectly holy, and perfectly just one of the kids (there were 6 guys - in their early 20's) one said "I don't believe He was perfect."  Still mulling on that one. I just went back to the law - the schoolmaster to shut every mouth, and condemn those who are under the law - for the singular purpose (uncomfortable as it may be, with the current no hell, prosperity gospel) of using the conscience to bypass the intellect.  Relying, as always, on the Holy Spirit to convict. 
I feel a sense of urgency that is quite acute at the moment. 
We need to sound a clarion call, sharing the Gospel with all that we meet. 
I will end with some quotes from an article called the sin of silence (by Ron Keller)
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" - Martin Luther King
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil.  God will not hold us guiltless.  Not to speak is to speak.  Not to act is to act. " - Bonhoeffer - who was martyred for Jesus at the age of 38.  
"All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" - Burke 
God has given us an opportunity like no other - and as people face the uncertainty is so many different areas, it is our great opportunity to show hope in the midst of despair, peace in the midst of crisis, and love in the midst of hatred. 
No greater love is there than to go and preach the gospel, making disciples of men. 
We are on a rapid course of the loss of free speech, when giving a Bible could be distributing hate literature, and when to stand for Christ we may also give our lives for Him. 
My I encourage each of you to keep your focus sharp, and your heart pure - witnessing with compassion toward a world that is clueless of the good news of Jesus Christ. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. 
May the freaks multiply, and the seed that is given fall on soil that is soft - that the Lord of the Harvest can change the hearts and lives of those He loves while we still have opportunity to be used by our KIng of Kings and Lord of Lords. 
Blessings to all.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Travel the Road

I want to tell you about a man named Patrick who heard about the Jesus Freaks through the grape vine. He drove over 55miles one way to come out with us to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. Pat reached me by email and we conversed a few times and he met us at our meeting place. Praise Jesus!!

There were 5 of us on Friday night. Dan and Cathy were there representing the Reed Family. I love the fact that these two come out as a team. As there feet are firmly planted in Christ. There 3 children have and are planning there next outing with the Jesus Freaks.

Matt, Patric, and I went out together. Pat told me that he needed to dust off the cob webs . As I witnessed Pat speaking and reaching the lost I didn't see any dust on him. Jesus empowers us with the wisdom and boldness hen we are obedient to His calling.

Mark 16:15 And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.

As we walked down Nicolet Ave. there was nobody on the streets as in previous times. We continued to walk and talk with whoever we seen. I will give you just a quick over view of the night.

With the 3 of us handing out tracts,bibles,180DVD's, and talking with lost souls. I would say that we reached 150-200 people on Friday night on the streets of Mpls..

Please pray for Jessica if that is her real name. Pat and I were witnessing to her and right away she became real loud so every body within 50 feet could hear her. We never bring up the subject of being gay. The first words out of her mouth was on homosexuals. We talked with love and compassion and she continued with a voice so all could hear. Then a bicycle taxi came and this man said I like what you said get on the ride will be free. So this woman and her companion left. As we continued to walk I prayed for Jessica to be set free. Pat and I discussed how Saul was stuck down by the Lord on his way to persecute Christian's on the way to Damascus.

We seen Jessica a couple more times on our traveling the road. We just said hi and kept walking.

We ended up having 3 different conversations with 5 Muslim men who were together. To my surprise it went very well. There was no arguing amongst us.

We prayed with people, spoke truth with love and compassion, preached the gospel,scattered, planted, and watered seed.

It was a very fruitful night, all in the name of Jesus Christ our King.


Saturday, November 10, 2012

my desire to share Jesus

Are you like me? Do you intend to get out and share the good news about Jesus but something keeps holding you back. Would it help you to go out with people who are more experienced?

Two weeks ago that is what got me out. When God led me to the Jesus Freaks ministry at my church He introduced me to a very humble and discerning man. Him along with my desire to share Jesus is what God used me to the Anoka Halloween Parade..

But yesterday God allowed me to experience a totally different way of sharing Jesus. God empowered me to talk about Jesus more in depth. At the parade God got Jesus' story into people's hands but last night God was sharing Jesus with people's hearts right before my eyes.

Here is just one of the experiences God gave me:
I was waiting as God was helping a fellow Jesus Freak share Jesus God brought a young man my way. His name is Rodrick. So I walked up to him and here's basically how the conversation went:

I offer Rodrick a "million dollar" tract. And he takes it curiously. I tell him it talks about what Jesus did for sinners on the cross.

Then God applied His law to Rodrick's heart. Rodrick begins to realize his guilt before God.

Finally, Rodrick gladly takes a New Testament and excepts encouragement to read the book of John.

The whole conversation only took a few minutes. But God used it to bring infinite blessings to me. Please pray that God will continue to work on Rodrick's heart and brings him to repentance and faith in Jesus. Then he will experience infinite blessings as well.

Wouldn't you like to experience infinite blessings? Well, what are you waiting for? Find out when your evangelism group is heading out and tag along!

May God work mightily through you!
Matt T.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Our Ultimate Refuge

Where do we find unshakable confidence to go on when a devastating tragedy strikes? King David, a man who was familiar with tragedy throughout his life, wrote:

“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge. (Ps.62:5-8).

David’s exhortation 1,000 years before Christ is still true today. The only refuge for the battered souls and broken heart is to have relationship with God who has shown how deeply He loves and cares for us. (Rom. 5:8)

Jesus Christ {The anointed One} invites us to a life of spiritual prosperity and a life full of confidence and hope, even when faced with loss: “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me” John 4:1

What does it mean to trust in Jesus? I would love to tell you this: Believing in Jesus produces trust in His ability to rescue us from our lustful desires, sin and wickedness. Trusting Jesus means depending on Him for what can never be lost (John 1:12; 3:16; 10:10). His life, death, and resurrection assure those who trust Him that they will receive His grace, mercy, peace, forgiveness, eternal life, and unfailing love. (Rom.8:31-39).

No matter what we may lose in this life, Jesus’ assurance of his abiding presence now and His promise of an eternal home with Him in heaven can become our unshakable fortress of hope and peace in times of trouble.

As always, love you all unconditionally,

Monday, November 5, 2012

What is sanctification ?


It's a doctrinal term that basically refers to our spiritual cleansing, set a part , growing in God's word, being different from what the world wants you to be. It all starts at the point of our spiritual birth, when you and I place our trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit starts residing within us .

When we commit sin we feel convicted and guilty . That is exactly what the Holy Spirit does , to awaken our senses so we can avoid commiting sin or avoid feeling drawn to moral debauchery.

It's like having a transcendental super ego which controls our moral barometer. When I see somone swears to God, my body shivers and I feel like there is a massive knot of pain in my stomach and it's churning my stomach inside out . One of the fruits of being sanctified is that we become more sensitive to our lusftful nature and I think this is the foundational function of the Holy Spirit that empowers us to see our inequities so we can entreat our Lord to give us a regenerate heart.

I struggle with sin just like everybody else ; i am not better than anybody or smarter than any one of you. When I talk about Jesus our Lord , I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me to say what needs to be said.

I don't want to be creative, I don't want to be innovative, I don't want to embellish things. I just want to say what the bible says that is all. 

 I don't go out to seek meaning to the scripture in order to please everybody and making the scriptures less offensive. Th meaning of the scripture is in the scripture ; if it is offensive to people then be it , because it's God's word not mine.

we need to humble ourseleves before almighty God so we can discern His word through which we can obey His purpose, His will and His plan. We need to trust Him everyday , we need to ask Him to guide us in our pursuit to holiness, purity, and humility which are the fruits of sanctification.

Sometimes it pains me to see my hypocrisy , duplicity and a shallow understanding of the bible ; but I know that is the Holy Spirit who indwells within me that enables me to see my sin so I can rely more & more on God to rescue me from all of that.

I write with passion when it comes to God and I love you all so much that I want to urge you to embrace Jesus because through Him you'll see the light and through Him you'll be saved forever.Pursuing God's redemptive plan for your salvation requires self denial not self-fulfillment,  it requires  you to live your life for Christ not for the world or making people happy. As a matter of fact , Jesus said," He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me" Matthew 10:37 I think that wraps it up as far as what we need to do in order to be His faithful disciples.

Bond slave of Christ

Saturday, November 3, 2012

we can be saved and justified.

                The Unjustified became Justified Through Christ
The holiness of God demands justice; conversely, his grace provides mercy, love, and compassion. He determines our faith; He grants us a regenerate heart. According to prophet Isaiah “all our righteous works are like filthy rags" Isaiah 64:6
In reality, what he's saying is that we are culpable down to the core, we're filthy and sinful. The apostle Paul said, “There is no one righteous, not even one, there is no one who understands, there is no who seeks God, all turned a way , they've together become worthless; there is no who does good, not even one" Romans 3:10-12.

In the Judicial theater of God, we are all charged with treason, corruption, deception, duplicity and sinfulness. Hence, the verdict is death and we definitely deserve it. No one can save us and there is nothing we can do to meet the standard of God's holiness except to accept His wrath, indignation and ultimately His divine judgment.

Every religions in the world seeks to please God through some form of ritualistic or ceremonial practices such as sacrificing animals , Ramadan ( fasting), giving alms, praying five times a day , meditative prayers, yoga, etc. It's a noble thing to be an altruistic humanitarian, helping our fellow brothers and sisters, and doing all sort of charitable works but that cannot change our corrupt hearts, our good works can not reverse God's judicial verdict nor propitiate God's wrath.

Therefore, the question is: what can we do to become justified? It's not a matter of carnal rehabilitation to advance our case in the divinely court of God ; it is the spiritual birth which grants us access to our redeemer whose divine nature regenerates our filthy hearts, renew our minds and then continues to sanctify us. That divine redeemer is Jesus Christ, He is our advocate before God, He's our purifier, and He is the only way to heaven. "For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ" 2 Corinthians 5;21

God's holiness demands justice and His justice is divinely righteous and we are unjustified before Him through our own merits but through Christ He is gracious, merciful, and a forgiving God .
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in him should not perish, but have everlasting life". John 3:16

Believing in Christ is an action which requires a complete surrendering of our life to Him, not merely knowing Him intellectually ; it's accepting Him and believing in His accomplished work on the cross, it's like saying " I don't live anymore, but Christ lives in me through Him I live again " . We then become justified and then through the power of the Holy Spirit we see the mortification of the sin within us that is called Sanctification.
In other words, Sanctification is the process of being set apart for God's work and being conformed to the image of Christ. This conforming to Christ involves the work of the person and his or her believability & faith in Christ which is still the work of God.
This is a divine mystery which is way beyond our comprehension and God revealed His son to us through faith we can be saved and justified.

You are all loved


Friday, November 2, 2012

door to door

I never imagined that I would ever have done door to door evangelism. But, I could not resist this opportunity on Halloween night. As we went out gathering candy with Nora and her cousins I would give the person at the door a money tract.

They would say what is this? I would tell them that there is a gospel tract on the back and I ask that you would read it. Have a great night. On to the next house we would go.

 I got quite a few thank you's and they said they'd read it. I got a God bless you from a woman ,with amazement and excitement.

One woman told me that "now I have 2 of these". I asked if she got it from the parade and she said yes. I continued to tell her that  a group of us  passed them out there.

Wendy was back at her sisters handing out candy with a stack of bills I gave her to hand out to the treaters. When we got back to the house she was out of money tracts so I gave what I had left. We handed out 150 tracts between the two of us, it was fun.

The kid's eyes would pop out as the bill was going in the bag with a treat. I would then say there is a gospel tract on the back. I just ask that you read it.

Seeds were planted every where, please pray for the seeds to take root.


Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.