Friday, November 2, 2012

door to door

I never imagined that I would ever have done door to door evangelism. But, I could not resist this opportunity on Halloween night. As we went out gathering candy with Nora and her cousins I would give the person at the door a money tract.

They would say what is this? I would tell them that there is a gospel tract on the back and I ask that you would read it. Have a great night. On to the next house we would go.

 I got quite a few thank you's and they said they'd read it. I got a God bless you from a woman ,with amazement and excitement.

One woman told me that "now I have 2 of these". I asked if she got it from the parade and she said yes. I continued to tell her that  a group of us  passed them out there.

Wendy was back at her sisters handing out candy with a stack of bills I gave her to hand out to the treaters. When we got back to the house she was out of money tracts so I gave what I had left. We handed out 150 tracts between the two of us, it was fun.

The kid's eyes would pop out as the bill was going in the bag with a treat. I would then say there is a gospel tract on the back. I just ask that you read it.

Seeds were planted every where, please pray for the seeds to take root.


Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.


1 comment:

  1. Praise God! May God bring abundant increase and allow you to hear some stories.
