Saturday, November 24, 2012

at the MOA

Last night was really eye opening, and we pray fruitful.

We hit the Mall of America, where people were busy getting ready to celebrate Christmas.   And they were looking for gifts - for a deal. But only one which we spoke to were looking unto the free gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ as Lord.
Mike brought the verse in Isaiah 53:5 "But he [was] wounded for our transgressions, [he was] bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace [was] upon him; and with his stripes we are healed." 
We used that with everyone whom we spoke with, asking them to read it, and then asking them if they knew of Whom it spoke.  And it was a wonderful lead-in to share the Gospel. 
We spoke to a man and asked if he could name ten things associated with Christmas.  Gifts, trees, bows, lights....not one mention of the meaning, until prompted.  The world has hijacked the birth of the Messiah, and with it they have stolen the message of the Gospel, and replaced it with social justice and with things of this world. But what our culture has done with Christmas should give each of us a season of automatic "prompts" to speak of His Word.
We had a rather "international" night.  By choice, or "target," so to speak. 
We spoke to one muslim woman, who seemed almost frightened as we shared with her, but was listening with intent and took a Bible with gratefulness - tucking it into her purse quickly. 
 We spoke to Ming and his mom, from Cambodia, who listened with great interest, and wanted the Bible that we gave him
We spoke to a Lebanese "Christian," by his own admission, who, upon greater questioning thought that all religions were similar, and that Jesus was born a man, but evolved into God.  He denied that Jesus was the only way, truth and life, and was adamantly opposed to the truth that Jesus was the I AM of the Old Testament.  He was respectful, and I pray that seeds fell on soil that the Lord had prepared, and if not, I pray that the Word of God will continue to be a thorn in his side, provoking him to question what he heard until God gets his heart.  
 We spoke to a couple who had a joy that was evident, and were convicted and firm in Jesus Christ as Lord.  The woman's parents were missionaries in Laos. 
We spoke to Cedar and her friend (14 and 16) who had never heard the Gospel, although they had heard of the cross.  They listened with intent and heard - I pray for their hearts to yield. 
And we spoke with two hindu's, who had never heard the Gospel message, and were skeptical, but took a Gospel track (one of the two).  The one, who was clearly unable to see any sin (Hindu's define sin as actions which hurt another, a clever disguise of the enemy to redefine sin and allow us to remain in delusion, thus a lie is not a sin unless it hurts another) would not even touch the Gospel track.  It was too convicting, which validated that the law had done it's job
We "ran into" two young pups that used to be discipled by Mike, and had a wonderful time speaking with them, to be followed with a meeting of Matthew - one of the original Freaks. 
 And in the Mall of that size, on the busiest shopping day of the year, it validated the Jewish saying that "coincidence is not a kosher word." 
It was a great night.  It was not the streets, but it was also not the temperature of the streets, and of the people we got to share, they were all awake, alert, and we pray receptive to the Gospel. 
I am so very thankful that we still are able to speak openly of the single greatest gift of grace that this universe has ever experienced. 
And I pray that every person in Christ will be emboldened, encouraged, and convicted to share the Gospel with a world that is perishing.
Blessings to each of you. 
The Freaks

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post, so glad you got to spend time with Matthew too! Miss that guy.
