This past Friday I was given the opportunity to witness to the lost, and I took it. Praise God! I also got to know
a friend of mine quite a bit better. I walked with Micheal, and the fellowship that takes place during these
witnessing outings is the gravy that God pours upon us. Pretty cool. It was Micheal's first time downtown and
he told me he was "really nervous" at first. As the night went on I asked him if he was still nervous. He told me
his nerves had gone away. He agreed with me that going out with the Jesus Freaks is a little bit like finally
jumping into black water, and upon landing finding that the water is only inches deep. All along his fears and
nerves were nothing more than the enemy trying to keep us quiet and at home. Praise God for letting us rest
in his boldness and his power. We have nothing to fear when God is with us. And He certainly was this past
Friday night.
We talked with two unitarians that talked a lot about Karma and "many ways to heaven". It is really interesting
to watch people try to argue a belief that they have built their life on that is false. Being able to speak the truth
with boldness and without apology to these people is the most loving thing we could do. Seeds were planted
in them even if they didn't want to hear the true Gospel. There is power in the Word of God!
I walked with a man from Tennessee that just moved here for work. I asked him where he was walking to and
he told me "Nowhere". So we walked a few blocks, then turned around and walked back a few blocks. Then
he stopped and leaned on a newspaper stand. All this time we were building a relationship. I asked him if he
felt like we had build a stronger relationship in five minutes than he had build with other people in his life after
10, 20 years. He agreed that we had. I told him that this was evidence of God at work. I quoted him Galatians 2:20
and explained the Gospel to him. At least 30 minutes this went on. He told me that I was 'makin a lot of sense."
Then I quoted him Galatians 2:20 again. I told him God was speaking through me to him. Chuck was this man's
name and please pray for him. If he hasn't been saved yet, I believe he will very soon. Thank you Lord for what
you will do in Chuck's life.
We had many other encounters, and also the other people that came out on Friday did as well. It was a very fruitful
night and I think I speak for all of us, "Thank you Father for using us!" It is very humbling to be used in such a personal,
eternally meaningful way by the creator of the universe. Wow!!
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