Saturday, October 6, 2012

Pride Weekend....

This year has been interesting for the Jesus Freaks in that a few days that we have gone out to proclaim the gospel have fallen on big events.  The first being St. Patrick's Day and this most recent being the annual Gay Pride weekend.That being said, we knew that we had a challenge to face.  Lot's of people would be on the streets united in their pride of being gay.  But this challenge is something that we gladly faced only with the guidance of Jesus Christ and his presence living inside of us.  I'll get back to that shortly.
First, the day started out with us teaming up with In Love, Word, and Deed.  We helped serve the homeless at the Salvation Army downtown.  There were many donations of clothing, shoes, bag lunches, water, blankets, etc.  What a great opportunity to see how God is working through this ministry! So, besides serving these people with material things, the freaks were there as well speaking truth to those who were willing to talk about spiritual things.  Great combination of Love, Word, and Deed! 
So after we finished there, we headed out to share the gospel with boldness and without apology.  There were eight of us in total and we split up in twos.  For me, I had the great blessing of teaming up with Mike Karlstad.  This doesn't happen very often so I was super excited!  We prayed as a group and then began to scatter seeds.  The fruit that we saw that day was really quite awesome.  We talked to one guy named Peter, who was there for the festival, and after initially being a bit defensive, God softened him to be open to what we had to say.  We never brought up anything about his sexual orientation, but explained to him that we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  Lying, stealing, lusting, blasphemy.  The things that I have committed and the things almost all of us have done as well. 
Even though Peter didn't give his life to Christ at the end of our conversation, we felt like God used us to plant a seed in him that will never be destroyed.  He will forever remember those two guys who, with love and compassion, explained the gospel to him and left him with a choice.  A choice that he will either lead him to salvation in Christ, or a choice to remain in his sins knowing that ultimately will lead to a place called hell.   The conscience is a place that God can speak. So, by using the ten commandments as a mirror to his life, God can begin to work in a way that can never be done by any man or any man's arguments.  I pray for Peter's salvation and if you are reading this, please pray as well. 
There were many others that day, and much fruit was produced.  But just like one of the main themes at Harvest Bible Chapel, all the Glory goes to God!  We are nothing without Jesus. 
In Christ,

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