Thursday, August 30, 2012

table talk

  Nora was playing with a girl at the park and they sat at the table with me. Whenever I sit somewhere I leave a tract. There was one on the table already and Nora says to her friend "you can have that, it has the gospel on the back".

 I say " I will give you another to give her". Nora gives the girl the tract and says give it to your dad. She follows her friend to where her dad was standing and as the girl gives the tract to her dad. I am watching and listening as the girl hands the tract to her dad. Nora begins to tell the dad that the gospel is on the back and it talks about Jesus.

I tell you what there is no greater joy to see your child do the work of the Lord Jesus. I was filled with an overflowing of joy. It was Awesome!

I never tell Nora to give tracts to people she does it on her own. When I get some new tract in the mail and she says can I have one of those. I love it!

Nora is a first responder at the park when a child gets hurt. She is very compassionate no wonder she wants to share Jesus. Nora is 6 years old and wants to do what her dad does wherever we go.

  CollossiansSo then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! It IS great to see God working through our children. That is the goal after all. God is so good.
