Sunday, May 26, 2013

to the point of tears

Friday night with the freaks was incredible.
And it has me rethinking how to present the Gospel.
I used to say that it is by grace, through faith, that we are saved.  Which is true...and it is not.
We are not saved by grace.  We are saved by the One who extends grace to us - the One who alone is worthy to save.
And we are not saved by faith.  We are saved by faith in the One who is able to save.
Why the processing?
Because of the amount of people who by their own admission are guilty of sin, but if judged by the ten commandments think they are heading for heaven.
Because they confessed their sin.
Because God is love.
Because God forgives their sin.

But what is missing is the Messiah.  The substitutionary atonement of the Blood of the Lamb, by the Lamb of God, by Whom we are saved.

The second principle that people are massively confused on is the triune Lord.
The S'hma:  Hear O Israel, the Lord your God, the Lord is One.  And you shall love the Lord with all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength.

Dan and I spent an hour with Victor - a man who claimed to be muslim, but was familiar with the Bible, and also the "holy koran" (his words, not mine).
And as we shared the Scriptures that Jesus testified to be the I AM, we watched him come to the point of tears multiple times.
He continued to say that Jesus was the Son of God, but not God.
He continued to claim that Jesus was a prophet, but not the fulfillment of all prophecy  -  (the volume of the Book is written of Him - Psalms/Hebrews)  - The I AM who took on flesh and dwelt amongst us.
And as we shared from God's Word alone we watched the seed fall.
And it was incredible to watch the Holy Spirit visibly bypass his intellect and go straight to the heart.

Victor had great faith in "god."  But claimed that all that called on the name of God - whether it was Allah, or God - were the same.
And yet the pivotal question for him, as to all of us, was that asked by Jesus Himself.  Who do you say that I AM?
And the answer to that question will separate those who follow Messiah, or who follow a false god - one who cannot save, or forgive, or extend grace - regardless of the sincerity of the plea.

He alone is our salvation.  And He alone is our grace.   And He alone is love.  And He alone is worthy of all glory and honor and praise.
It is a blessing to be able to share the Gospel with those who are searching for the One who can give living water, that they may never thirst again.
And it was pure joy to be able to sow seed, that the Lord of the Harvest may bring to fruition.

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