Jesus Freaks had another amazing night of evangelism last Friday. Once again our group teamed up with the ICCM Team of Street Evangelists. We met up in North Minneapolis and hit the streets for as long as we could until we started to get rained on. It was so encouraging to see a group of people, from different churches, with wet hair and damp clothes from the rain not wanting to end the night early due to the rainfall.
ICCM invited us to the Catholic Homeless Shelter with them and we anxiously accepted. As we filed into the shelter with food, bibles, and prayer I was immediately struck with the humility of the men that we were serving. They were all so grateful that we came to visit.
After we fed them we started walking up and down the rows handing out bibles and offering prayer to whoever needed it. We ended up giving away all the bibles we brought with us (around 60)! Praise the Lord!
The most glorious part of the night was when I was taking a final lap around shelter and I noticed that every man was sitting on the floor or their bunk eating the chips we gave them and they were all reading their bibles! It was beautiful to see the Spirit grip all these men as they were captivated by the Word.
On another note, as a 21 year college student I feel there seems to be a bit of a revival among young Christians. It is not hard for me to find peers who have a passion to give their complete lives to the Gospel. I am fearful though that as I grow older and eventually have a family to take care of my ‘fire’ will burn out a little bit. But then I see men of the Lord like Mike (the leader of Jesus Freaks) or Scott (the leader of ICCM) and I am so encouraged that they are men with families and jobs, but they are still on crazy fire for the Lord! They never come down from the mountain where they are screaming, “Christ Loves You!”
To see the older men who are leading our Churches in evangelism is exactly how the Church is suppose to work. They are showing and teaching me, and all of the college students, how to be so overwhelmed by the Joy of the Gospel that they HAVE to tell people! Praise God for their leadership skills and their constant encouragement!
God is so Good, Christ is so Glorious, and the Spirit is always moving!

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