Jesus wants you to follow Him at all cost, don’t turn around and find
excuses to stop doing the message of the
bible. Apparently, one of the disciples told Jesus that he’ll follow Him later
but first he had to go back and bury his father. Jesus said,” Let the dead bury
their own dead” Matthew 8:22
Following Jesus with a committed heart requires sacrifices; don’t
worry about the mundane and temporal things of this world. The spiritual birth
breathes in newness in you, you’d crave for the eternal light in Jesus and it
may cost you everything that you own. If you are not born again the things of
this world will continue to be of paramount importance to you even though, they
are transient but you will also be dead in your sin. I explained the
criticality of being born again to one of my Muslim associates. He was confused
and said to me, he’d already read the bible a myriad of times, but wasn’t able
to apprehend it. I kind of smiled and said to him it is up to the Holy Spirit
to guide you and opens up your eyes to see the beauty of the gospel. He shook
his head and said, “Man, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get it”. I gave
him the parable of the wind which Jesus gave to Nicodemus recorded in John
Chapter 3:6-8.
In essence, I was talking to him about the spiritual birth but I
was so excited, instead of explaining the whole thing from the beginning I went
directly to the parable of the wind to illustrate my point. Nevertheless, I
went back and explained to him the source of the spiritual birth. I clearly told him if he is not born again, he
would never be able to see Jesus for who He is.
As the Disciples of Christ, we need to witness by boldly but
lovingly proclaiming the righteous work of Christ on the cross. We should be
aware of the fact that we can’t change the heart of mankind to see the glory of
Christ. It’s the work of the Holy Spirit to intervene in one’s life in order to
make him or her to see the redeeming work of Christ. The spiritually dead will
always be buried in the temporal things of this work so it is a mandate for us
as Christians to go out there and sow the seed of the gospel so with God’s
grace they will inherit the spiritual birth through which they’ll be able to
reap the everlasting fruits of the kingdom of God.
You’re all loved.

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