Saturday, November 2, 2013

I ran into death

It was the weekend before Halloween and it had been months since I had been out proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost. As I got out of my car I went to the edge of the ramp and looked down at the people and thought that I might be the only one out this night as I waited for those the Lord would have me witnessing with. I do not expect people to just show up and come out with the Jesus Freaks I pray for the Lord to bring those that He wants there to Further His Kingdom. We are nothing Jesus is Everything.I went down and started handing out tract to the everyone in site. I had been praying all summer for the Lord to reignite the fire inside me as I had been feeling lukewarm at best(burnout). I needed rest and I wasn't realizing it until I had no ambition to do ministry. Then I knew in my heart that there was something wrong. God was going to use this time of rest to refine me. We all know, "the Lord disciplines the one he loves,and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.” (Hebrews 12:6) I was grounded by my Father.So then I waited for the Lord to use me, as He was to show me where I needed refining. 8 Jesus Freaks were filled with excitement as we walked the streets of downtown Minneapolis. We split in 2 teams and agreed on a time to meet back up. It had been 4 months since I was on the streets. I prayed before I got out of the car that I would just observe and hang back a little. Not knowing how the Lord was going to use me this night.The Lord knows us better than we know ourselves. Chris and I were in the company of Molly who had been out once before and Jessica this was her first time. You could see the boldness in them ready for sharing Christ's love. I was walking right into the bus shelters full of people on Nicolet proclaiming The Gospel as I did before. This time with genuine love and compassion to the lost. I could see it in there reactions I was getting as I spoke of sin and redemption. I could actually see it in there eye's that they understood and comprehended the message I was sharing and that it truly concerned them. I would then ask if they had a bible at home if not I would offer one to them. We planted hundreds of seeds this night and prayed God would provide the increase. The one encounter that sticks out the most is I ran into death. He was dressed in a grim reaper costume and all you could see of his face was 2 red glowing eyes. I approached him as he was walking down Nicolet. I stepped in front of him and He screamed at the top of his lungs at me. I stood there until he was done and continued to witness to this man. As I was sharing with him he hugged me tight and I was taken back a bit but did not stop the witness. He had done this 2 more times during the conversation and told me that he was thinking about this the night before and that this was not a coincidence that we met. You will never know of the lives you touch with the gospel unless you get out there and start sharing Christ. Mark 16:15 And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Mike