Sunday, December 16, 2012

He thanked us for witnessing.

Last night was my first time going out evangelizing with Jesus Freaks.  I had a good time and it felt very good to serve / obey God in this way.  I was partnered with Mark, our elder.  We talked to about 8 people. 

The first man that we talked to was sitting on a bench with his son waiting for someone.  He seemed appreciative that we were talking to him and understood why we were, but he was not open to receiving Jesus.  He said that he believed in a higher power but didn't know who that was.  We presented him the gospel and wished him a Merry Christmas.

One of Mark's witnessing tools was a group of pictures that he shows the person and asks which picture represents their life, which one represents God, and finally which represents what God is doing in their life.  One of the next people we talked to knew that we were witnessing and said "I don't think (talking about the pictures) that's necessary.  I'm already saved."  Mark wasn't satisfied with that answer but after a few more questions Mark believed him.  He thanked us for witnessing.  It was good to meet a fellow believer!

Another group of people I talked with spoke Spanish.  With my limited Spanish I asked them if they were Christians, they said yes, then I told them that I was too and that they were my sisters and brother.  The smiled and said "si!" and I told them Feliz Navidad.

One person that Mark and I talked to told us he didn't want to talk to us at all.  A separate group of 4 teenage boys also were not interested.  One said that he went to a Lutheran church but that he was not a very devoted Christian.

The most exciting conversation we had was with a group of three young men who are freshmen in college.  They are here for hockey.  One is from Alaska, two are from California.  They enjoyed the pictures from Mark and seriously thought about their answers.  All of them had gone to church at least a few times and two of them said they were Christians.  We found out that they do not go to church here in MN and one of them was very honest (which I appreciated) and said that it was hard to be a Christian and be in the world at the same time.  We told him that this doesn't change as you get older, light heatedly.    I sent the leader of the group my email address and invited them to church.  I have a friend who run an FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) hockey ministry here in MN and I told them about it.  They got very excited about it and I gave them the contact information for my friend. I also gave my friend who runs the FCA hockey ministry their email info.  My hope and prayer is that the do join the FCA league and grown closer to God as they do the bible studies that are part of that and have fellowship with more "on fire" believers.

I also spoke to a Chinese man who had a hard time hearing me and understanding English when he could hear me.  I did learn that he likes Jesus, has a Chinese bible, but doesn't go to church and doesn't plan to.  I encouraged him to read one of the gospels in his Bible this Christmas season.  It was the seed that I felt like I could plant and I hope God waters it.  As our conversation ended he seemed really grateful that I talked to him and he said "I wish you good luck!". 

I felt like we got a lot done in the couple of hours that we were there and I am looking forward to doing this again.


1 comment:

  1. It's a joy to share Christ isn't it brother! May God's Spirit work powerfully in each heart you spoke to. Blessings! Dave Englund
